miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Mateada Poética - English version

Mateada poética MP (English version)

MP is a cultural project born in 2013, when "mate" and poetry live together. 

Mateada Poetica

"Mate" is a traditional South American infused drink cosumed by the Guaraní Indians and also spread Tupí people, who lived en southern Brazil and Paraguay. It's preparing by steeping dried leaves of yerba mate - ilex paraguariensis - in hot water.

MP proposes create spaces for encounter, communication and expression in differents places (cultural centers, libraries, bars, parks, etc) The project promoted poetry, dialogue beteween people and fundamentally the "poetic spirit".

At many of our regular meetings special guests are presented: people of literary world, cultural characters or intellectuals with "poetic spirit" are convened to share their art, unique talent and inspiring life experiences with the rest of the group.

Project coordinator: 

Sergio Ferrero

Leopoldo Fidyka


E mail: mateadapoetica@gmail.com
Twitter: @MateadaPoetica
Blog: www.mateadapoetica.blogspot.com

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